Monday, November 28, 2016

November 23, 2016
Dear Parents,
The time is passing quickly and the busiest time is upon us. There are quiet a few things coming up so here are some reminders and some of the things coming soon:
  1. Please remember that Thursdays, Father would like each child to bring an envelope to Church so if you would like to send money in with your child, they get excited to put it in the envelope and if they can do a little something to earn it they feel extra special and gets them in the habit of giving.
  2. On December 1st Father asked each child to bring in a gently used toy to share with a needy child.
  3. Also on Thursdays we have Show-N-Tell, so if you would like to send an item with your child, they get practice talking in front of others and gives the others the opportunity to learn to listen to others.
  4. At this time we are running low on snacks, so if you have not had the chance to send some in lately you can send in at anytime. We do have some nut allergies but some great items are: Fruit Loops, Cheese Crackers, grapes apples, oranges, Fruit Snacks, popcorn, Cheese Curls, etc..Thanks So Much!!
  5. The Children will be doing a gift exchange at their Christmas Party. Boys bring $5 boy gift and Girls bring $5 girl gift. Our parties will be at 1:30 on December 21st, we should have more time then we did for Halloween because we wont have the Trick or Treating. The room mothers had a lot of wonderful ideas and I was sorry we didn't get to them. If Room Mothers need any help with the Christmas Party just let me know, the children are already getting excited about Christmas.
  6. The Christmas Program is coming up. Thank you to Titus's Family for donating costumes. There will be a Dress Rehearsal on December 1st after Mass, then on December 4th please bring your child to the classroom after 10:00 Mass. They may come in Sunday best and they will perform at the beginning of program and then they will go in classroom to put on costumes and have some free time.
  7. We will be hosting a Baby Shower for Jesus in our Classroom and inviting our Prayer Pals. My Daughter Brittney will be helping me with refreshments and games. All gifts will go to the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Hopefully to help a Mom say yes to the gift of her child like Mary did.
  8. Class Basket: For the Italian Feast Fundraiser they ask us to collect for a Class Basket. The Preschool Theme is Family Fun Night, sometimes you can get some good deals over the Black Friday Sales. If you would rather, you may send in $5 and I will go shopping.
  9. Also as a reminder we are to go outside for recess if it is above 32 degrees and not raining so with Missouri weather it is a good idea to send a Jacket, gloves, and hat in your child's bookbag so we are always prepared.
Boy that was along list of items, please excuse me if I made any mistakes, the notes are the hardest part of my job for me(I feel like I'm back in English class) Was never good at writing.
A quick look at last week and this week: we worked on Letter “L”, made Lions and Lambs, learned about the Pilgrims and Native Americans; learned how God made everything; things we are Thankful for; painted and made Pilgrims, Native Americans, Necklaces, Headbands; read and sang many Thanksgiving songs and books. We enjoyed “Garfield's Thanksgiving” with popcorn and juice and we danced the Turkey Dance and The Turkey Hokey Pokey.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Miss Marie

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